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Personal Training

The OPT Model

The Sculpted Way
OPT Model

The OPT Model, or Optimum Performance Training Model, is a fitness training system developed by NASM. The OPT Model is based on scientific evidence and principles that progresses an individual through five training phases: stabilization endurance, strength endurance, hypertrophy, maximal strength and power.  

What does Personal Training Look like for You?

Step 1.

We complete a series of assessments to identify any muscle imbalances.  For example, what do your shoulders do when you pull or push something?  Or what does your lower back do when you complete a squat?  The answers to these questions will help identify which muscles are weak and which ones are overactive.  This will lead us to a good stretching and strengthening routine to help correct your muscle imbalances.

Step 2.

We will begin your personal training with strengthening your core muscles through a series of exercises that will help your balance and coordination.  Our goal is to increase muscular endurance and stability before we move onto strength and power moves so we do not increase stress at the joints and cause injury.  We will incorporate exercises that are done in an unstable and controlled environment to engage and recruit more muscles to help the body stabilize itself.  Exercises include the use of the TRX suspension system, exercise ball, dumbbells, BOSU, body weight exercise, etc.  We will address good form, existing structural deficiencies, and target weight loss if needed.

Step 3.

Once we have achieved some core strength and overall endurance, we will move onto developing a strength routine.  This is where we increase our strength as well as enhance our endurance aka “you get stronger and can go longer”.  We continue to work on increasing your lean body mass and overall performance.  This is where we will work the same muscle group back to back to help create endurance.

Step 4.

This depends on your goals.  What is it you want to achieve?  Stronger athlete?  Keep up with my grandkids?  Lose weight and have a lean physique?  As we move forward in your training, we continue to have an ongoing dialogue of your personal goals.


I have several training packages that are tailor to your needs.  The best way to discuss my packages is to visit about your personal goals so that I can create a package that best fits your needs.  Some of what I offer include:

  • Individual training sessions

  • Small Group training sessions

  • Online training

  • Nutrition coaching

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bicep & tricep super set

Close Grip Bench Press (Tri) 8-10 reps
Overhead DB Tri-cep extension 12-15 reps

Alternating Seated Bicep DB Curls 8-10 reps
Seated BB top half bicep curls 12-15 reps

Rope Cable Push downs 15 reps
Rope overhead extensions 15 reps

Spider curls 12 reps
Hamer curls 12 reps

hamstring explosion

Single Leg Straight Leg Deadlifts – 12 reps each leg
TRX Step back lunges  - 20 reps each leg

Seated Hamstring Curl Machine – 12 reps
Bulgarian Split Squat – 20 reps each leg 
Side Lunges with KB – 10 reps each leg
Plea Squats – 20 reps

Cable Kickbacks – 25 reps each leg
Groucho Walk – 1 min

for more workouts

visit the online coaching page,


or join my online community via my Facebook group: sculpted. inside & out.


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FREE- My Favorite Workouts
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